Effective Communication fuels and fosters the growth of any organization, increases productivity among team members, spurs sales in businesses and much more.
The climax of the 4th module of the Executive Mentoring Program for Youth (EMPY) was the topic on Effective Communication in Business and Career by Ms.Oluwaferanmi Owolabi-Head of Purple Academy, Wema Bank Plc
Ms. Owolabi taught our Youth audience the meaning, importance and barriers to communication. According to her, communication starts by knowing who you are. She explained the importance of self-awareness and also explained how the mentees can utilize the DiSC assessment in understanding themselves and those they are communicating with.
She urged the mentees to be empathetic when communicating with their team and customers, use the right tone, be mindful of their appearance and attitude.
She amplified the need for mentees to know how to sell themselves within the shortest possible time using the elevator pitch.
Indeed, we are so glad to have learnt in very simple and practical ways about how to effectively communicate.
Special thanks to Ms. Owolabi for sharing her wealth of experience with our Youth in the Executive Mentoring Program.