The fifth module of the S.M.I.L.E’s 2023/2024 Executive Mentoring Program for Youth (EMPY) which held on Saturday April 20, 2024 for the mentees in the Social Enterprise Cohort, was tailored to suit their learning needs and provide the opportunity to learn about the topic: Exploring Grant Opportunities and Accessing Funding.
This remarkable session was facilitated by Mrs Temitope Okunnu, founder of FABE International Foundation. Her interactive, practical and experiential session shed light on the types of grants and funding opportunities available, key requirements for eligibility and how mentees can position their organizations for grants locally and internationally.
She encouraged the mentees to have a clear vision/mission, start documenting their processes and progress, register their social enterprise, ensure compliance, open a bank account for their organization and effectively tell their stories of impact on their various social media platforms.
She rehashed the importance of networking, collaboration, and partnering with organizations with similar goals and mission in order to scale impact, attract more resources and funding.
We are so grateful to Mrs Okunnu for a highly informative session and glad to see the mentees take actions to check all the boxes so they can be well positioned to access funds.